Monday, July 16, 2007

No Bias Here! NO WAY! RIGHT!

Check this out. Newsweek is having a meltdown. There is a piece by Anna Quindlen that is telling Hillary to get Obama to be her running mate. To the side of the article, on the right, there are catchy phrases to get you to click out and read their gems.

I did and they are gems indeed. Worthless gems but gems just the same.

Naturally, it is the MSLSD outlet. Figures. No wonder the Moonbat Brigades are so screwed up.

Here is one of the "teasers": Iranian Diplomat: We’re Ready to Help in Iraq

Yeah. No wonder the Libs want us out. They want to continue Jimmy Carter's vision for the region with Iran taking the entire Middle East.

Smooth move, Exlax.

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