Sunday, July 8, 2007

OBL News

Osama…Breaking News

More to follow I am sure...Judicial Watch will see to it.

Osama bin Laden was suspected of chartering a plane that carried his family and other Saudis from the United States shortly after 9/11, according to FBI documents released yesterday.

One FBI document referred to a Ryan Air 727 plane that left Los Angeles on Sept. 19, 2001, carrying Saudi nationals.

“The plane was chartered either by the Saudi Arabian royal family or Osama bin Laden,” according to the document obtained by Judicial Watch.

The flight made stops in Orlando, Washington, D.C. and Boston, and terminated in Paris.

Asked about the documents’ assertion, an FBI spokesman said, “There is no new information here. Osama bin Laden did not charter a flight out of the U.S.”

Question: And?

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