Sunday, July 1, 2007

Pack Your Bags Lefties

A Right To Know…

From a friend of mine at another place…A Proud Infidel

“..And what do we have for the losers, Johnny! Thaaaat’s right, after showing complete disregard for the men on the ground, their families and the fate of our nation, the Democrats, lead by Nancy Pelosi and Jack Murtha, will get a long vacation at exotic Fort Bush Was Right, You Were Wrong. And …. for all the White Flag Republicans, start updating those resumes boys and girls because next term you will be teaching typewriter maintenance at the Rocco Clubo School for Traitors…”The Lame Stream Media just MIGHT be submitting themselves for medical care. The reasons why are “Rather” easy to understand.

Robert Kagan has put it in terms the Leftinistra can understand…”The ‘Surge’ Is Succeeding”. This spells Bad News for the Murthas, et al, that have repeatedly stated that “We Can’t Do It”. Wow. I wrote a piece for TVC not too long ago about that and the Leftinistra didn’t like it. Too bad. Facts are facts.

And then, we find this at the California Conservative…

“…Rest assured that this information is giving Democrat strategists heartburn, if not ulcers. Let’s hope that this type of positive information keeps coming another six months. If it does, then Democrats will be in a precarious position for 2008…”

Only in America can good news for Victory be such bad news for the Leftinistra…simply amazing…

“U.S. reports 80 percent drop in Iraq insurgency strikes”

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