Monday, July 9, 2007

Pelosi Asserts Her Authority

I saw that headline from the Washington Compost and about spewed my coffee all over my keyboard.

The article describes how she and Dingbat (Dingell) were at odds over a few issues and how the Dingbat pretty much shunned the new and all powerful SoH.

Powerful? At what? Getting nothing done? Hell. I can do that!

Some "powerful majority they have, eh? The WORSE CONgress in our Nation's history is nothing to brag about and to assert power over when it was that same authority that accomplished one item. Morons.

But if Pelosi has succeeded in uniting her party during her initial months as speaker, she and the rest of the leadership have yet to convince the nation that the Democrats can govern.

Pelosi, of California, has succeeded in getting all of her opening agenda through the House. But few of the initiatives have made it to the president, and only one has become law: an increase in the minimum wage.

Again, some majority. This Democratic Party led CONgress has an approval rating much less than GWB and Cheney. That says quite a bit right there.

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