Sunday, July 1, 2007

Pick One

OK folks. WE the Silent majority (shame on us for being cowardly silent) need to stand up and be counted.

Our governing body is no longer “We The People” as so stated in our Constitution. It has been relegated to “We The CONgress”. This is UNCONSTITUTIONAL!! WAKE UP!!!! (turn up the volume)Follow the links to voice your opinions, NAY!, demands of our CONgress Critters! I have provided all links required for which ever way you so choose. Are you a sheeple? Are you a mouse? SQUEAK UP!!


Who Should Run the War in Iraq?

The debate on Iraq is boiling down to two options. One is that Congress should determine the fate of the war by exercising its powers to fund the war. The other is that the President should be allowed to run the war, but be subject to conditions perhaps through terms set out in a new reauthorization of the war. Tell Congress what you think.

We’ll tally the results of the messages and post them on

I selected the third choice. Anything shy of VICTORY is the cowards’ way. THIS veteran considers anything less than VICTORY a sad state of affairs. PERIOD!!

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