Saturday, July 7, 2007

Queen Porkzilla Hillary

Czarina; Pork President

I am quite sure that Hillary Clinton doesn’t go around bragging about this but someone is doing it for her.

Clinton can boast wealth of earmarks. Isn’t that sweet? But, hasn’t she been “whining” about earmarks?

Presidential hopeful Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) has secured more earmarks in the fiscal 2008 defense authorization bill than any other Democrat except for panel Chairman Sen. Carl Levin (D-Mich.).

The bill contains about $5.4 billion in earmarks, or projects not requested by the Pentagon. With their slim majority, [What? No “landslide?] the Democrats on the panel claimed two-thirds of that sum. Clinton is among their more junior members.

Clinton received 26 earmarks worth about $148.4 million total, most of which were also sought by Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.). Clinton and Schumer agreed several years ago to go after projects together, according to several sources.

Senator Clinton, once again, has wormed and squirmed her way into getting folks to trust her lies and deceptions.

NY Mag

Is John McCain set to initiate an attack on Hillary Clinton? Little more than an hour ago, the McCain campaign put out word that the Republican will shortly hold a press conference in California to talk about “Sen. Clinton’s defense earmarks,” the many millions of dollars in federal funding Hillary has secured for New York military contractors. New York has previously noted the senator’s cozy relationship with some defense contractors, but then, isn’t this what senators do, work to bring money home?

Yes. They work to bring home the money. They also SHOULD be working on the ethical practices of said activity. Yes? No? Maybe? With her and her husband’s reputation of “loathing” the military, bringing home the bacon to defense contractors is quite the sham. I wonder what her kook fringe America haters think of her helping the furtherance of military development?

Clinton’s beneficiaries include defense giant Northrop Grumman, which secured $6 million for the AN/SPQ-9B radar; New York-based Telephonics, which won $5 million for a standardized aircraft wireless intercom system for the National Guard Black Hawk helicopter fleet; Plug Power Inc., another New York state company, which got $3 million for fuel cell power technology; and Alliant Tech Systems (ATK), which won $3.5 million for the X-51 B robust scramjet research.

The Pandering Czarina. Bringing home the bacon so she can later raise the hell out of taxes. Such a sweet darling, eh? And what of her blathering about and of fiscal responsibilities? I guess this makes her seem to be part of the overall community.

At her recent stop to suck up to Big Labor Unions that suck companies dry after their taxes are raised and collected by the socialist left, she stated the following:

“Michigan needs extra help right now.” “If you are in a union, you are invisible to this (Bush) administration.” “We need universal health care.” “We need Smart Trade (free and fair trade with aggressive enforcement).” “I’ve been to 82 countries, if I don’t know the leaders there, then my husband does”.

Is her jet-setting statement(s) meant impress someone? I have been to MORE countries than her and have met MORE leaders than her yet, I don’t go around on national and international TV dropping names…as she does…a sure sign of insecurity.

Senator Clinton also discussed reforms to “No Child Left Behind”, the War in Iraq, The Employee Free Choice Act, her opposition to free-trade agreements like the Korea-U.S. Free-Trade Agreement.

Then again, there are always these fruit loops over here:

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