Saturday, July 7, 2007

Reid The Moron

reid…Moron…Doesn’t Get It

reid…Moron…Doesn’t Get It

Friday, June 08, 2007 8:40 PM

ILLEGAL Immigration

Reid also found another opportunity to slam the Bush administration, which supported the bill: “The White House has had six months to work with Senate Republicans toward a solution, yet it failed to show the necessary leadership to get this bill passed,” Reid said.

In fact, President Bush angered many conservatives by siding with Democrats and liberal Republicans in supporting a guest worker program and a “path to citizenship” for people who sneak into the country illegally.


This is what NONE of the MORONS that are PROPONENTS of this defeated bill (for now) do NOT understand. The MAJORITY of Americans do NOT support the recent non-amnesty amnesty bill or ANY of the “OTHER” unknown little widgits embedded into the bill that goes along with EACH and EVERY bill EVER passed.

The CONgress Critters, for the most part, do NOT listen to the majority of Americans because they have a different agenda and they consider the American People as too dumb to figure thngs out on their own and “We The People” NEED their help making up our minds for us. Morons.

They are elected/hired to do OUR bidding and NOT theirs.

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