Thursday, July 26, 2007

Republican Hippies

I wasn't going to bother with this, but after looking at her web site, I figured it was best to show what kind of person we were dealing with.

Houston 911 Truth, is the site of the Ron Paul looney lady who confronted Fred Thompson yesterday in Texas.

Here's what she had to say about her run in with Fred.

There goes the first amendment!

How dare you step onto Texas soil and act as though you are unaware of your involvement with the Council on Foreign Relations, the North American Union and the Trans-Texas Corridor.

And just in case you are not fully aware as of yet, we are taking our country back. I am the daughter of a small business owner and a football coach, your facade of “tough Texas” talk does not ride well with me scumbag. You’re going to receive a lot more than just my fussing if you show your corrupt face back in my city.

Scumbag? How nice. As I've said before, you've got to love these Ron Paul people. This lady is so cuckoo for cocoa puffs, that she creates a site that believes 911 was an inside job.

The heck with her taking her country back, someone needs to take her meds.

I also love the quote she has from Ron Paul at the top of her site.

“You don’t spread freedom with a barrel of a gun”- Ron Paul New Hampshire Debate June 5, 2007

Oh really, then how did we defeat the Nazi's?

Republican Hippies, that's what they are folks.

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