Saturday, July 7, 2007

Rub Hillary? NO WAY!!

Hillary’s Rub

The originality of Hillary Rodham (or no Rodham) Clinton is lacking originality. It never ceases to amaze this writer that the Leftinistra seem to resort to copying others for some mysterious reason. One could suppose that imitation is the primo example of flattery. In this case, it is merely flatulence.

HilaryHub is really Hillary’s Rub. It is her way to strike against the opposition and it isn’t going to go very far. Her advisers, one can postulate, said it would be a grand idea to emulate The Drudge Report. The problem with that line of thinking is that The Drudge Report presents all sides to all issues. He reports and you decide, as it were. With Hillary’s Rub, the presentations are one-sided. The authors presented, depict Hillary as a caring, semi-evangelical and “nice” individual that deserves to be President of The United States. The site is also designed to “tweak” opposition folks…such as I. The only thing “tweaked” is my laugher…I nearly had an “accident” laughing as hard as I did. I made a slight reference to this site here on a previous post.

At the Politico:

HillaryHub isn’t a typical campaign site. With a simple, three-column look, occasionally edgy headlines and links to a blend of videos, reports from newspapers and blogs and campaign memos, it’s a news aggregator on the model of the Drudge Report. The difference, of course, is that the stories are chosen to depict Clinton favorably and to tweak her critics.

When The Politico posted an internal Obama campaign memo aimed at raising the expectations for Clinton’s fundraising, HillaryHub linked to it under the headline: “Obama Camp Touts Hillary’s Poll Numbers and Endorsements.”

Imagine that. Links to sites like sacbee, touting the 1984 VP selection, Geraldine Ferraro, in the DNC camp is to show us, what? I viral feminist? Is that a good thing? She didn’t learn her lesson, then? She ran with Mondale. That wasn’t such a grand idea now, was it?

Wednesday, Ferraro visited the Sacramento offices of Global Consulting Group, a New York-headquartered public affairs firm for which she is a senior adviser. She endorsed Clinton’s candidacy in April, declaring: “By electing Hillary Clinton, we can smash the ultimate glass ceiling once and for all.”

Is that what Hillary is all about? Shattering glass ceilings? How does that relate to the Global War On Terror?

Interns? This article at the Hillary Rub, is intended to debunk the recent books all about the Real Hillary.

If you want to understand the woman who would be president, don’t bother to read the latest avalanche of recycled biographies - just ask her interns.

Oh, I see. Hillary’s interns know best. Well versed authors, taking years to investigate and interview a plethora of people close to and contrary to Hillary surely wouldn’t know better than interns. Who did the authors interview? Were there no “former interns” of Hillary anywhere to be found?

This Hillary Rub is doomed. It is domed because it is based on a lie but the Democrats are GREAT at promoting their lies as truth. The gullible fall for anything.

That was just three of the twenty articles displaying Hillary as the New Wonder Woman. She is a wonder alright. I wonder what in the hell she is up to.

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