Friday, July 6, 2007

Say Hello To Your Friendly Jihadi

Islamic Jihad Is Here

Islamic Jihad Is Here

Tuesday, June 05, 2007 3:36 PM

The below article is from the web site of The Loyalist Party of which I have given serious consideration of if not joining up with, at least supporting as an independent. The Democratic Party is packed full of Leftinistra morons and Hate America Dweebs, including the current leadership of that party and those that lust after the power of the Presidency of The United States.

The Republican Party has abandoned the tenets, credo and mantra of the Reagan Conservative Movement and it breaks this combat veteran’s heart to come to terms with that which I have fought for, bled for, killed for, all to have it given away to the illegal alien invasionistas and to watch in shock and horror as the main political parties in this country abandon the established voters in the hopes to woo the criminal elements of the invasionist LAW BREAKERS for a NEW voter pool.

Also, it breaks this combat veteran’s heart to watch in utter disgust, the blubbering and yammering fools making a mockery of Common Sense in claiming that the very existence of Islam is no threat to world peace. Islam is NOT a religion of peace. Granted, there MAY be a few Muslims that do not take the INSTRUCTIONS of the Book of Islam to heart but they are far and few between.

A “religion” that espouses death to all those the will not convert or, death to those that will not pay to the Islamists for their “right to live while not converting” is certainly NOT a “religion of peace” by any stretch of the imagination.

The article below is “Rather” critical of certain leaders that I have supported and still support in that the alternatives are worse. The bold portions are my emphasis and I will place (where I feel it is needed) my editorial or comments in blue italics.

Convert or Die, Infidel!

“How is it possible that the huge sacrifices our men in uniform have made since 2001 in both Afghanistan and Iraq are on the verge of vanishing in an instant? The years of hard work and sacrifice seem to be turning into nothing more than political points for those who can quickly switch sides and say they never supported military action in the first place. How is it possible that we have come to a time in history, where America and the west want to revert to do-nothing diplomacy and appeasement for the Hitlers of our time?

But the more pressing question is: who is at fault for this betrayal of epic proportions? There is no doubt that much of the blame lies with the liberal establishment, both in the media and in our government. But if we look closer into this treachery, we see that it goes much deeper than this. The betrayal is from the elitist who have clung to a falsehood that has ill-prepared us for what we are up against. The falsehood that Islam is not at war against us.

By preaching that this battle is in no way related to a worldwide evil that is the true essence of Islam is the true betrayal. [betrayal is too strong an emphasis to me but it is what the writer feels] This betrayal has cost thousands of American lives in Iraq and will ultimately cost millions of lives here at home. And it is not just the Obamas and the Kerrys who have propagated these lies, it is the Bushes and the Blairs. One only has to look at their speeches to see reference after reference to , ’the religion of peace’ or an ’extremely tiny minority, that has hijacked Islam.’ [whereas I agree that our leaders are wrong in this assessment, it is the disease of political correctness and the need to appease and make friends is where the errors have taken place. the advisors have NOT done their homework or they have and there are elements that say it unwise to make waves]

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The KKK of Islam

While it may seem far-fetched that clinging to and preaching such a falsehood would ultimately lead to the biggest betrayal in recent history, if we take a look at the current situation in Iraq, we start to see the truth. The first thing we must acknowledge is that 90% of the Islamic terrorists fighting in Iraq are non-Iraqis. Say it again and again if you have to, because it’s crucial to understanding Iraq’s role in the global jihad. This wasn’t of course the case when the coalition first took out Sadaam’s Baathist regime. But the external Jihad’s percentage has been growing steadily ever since.

Now rewind to Bush and Blair’s campaign. They both adamantly lectured us from the beginning that this war was not part of a much larger war against Islam or a counter jihad. They insisted that this was simply a war to remove two evil and dangerous regimes. And this being the case, the 250,000 plus allied troops seemed to be more than enough to quickly crush the Iraqi Republican Guard, the Saddam loyalists, and the Taliban. Unfortunately, this falsehood was well-received by Americans since we have already been pre-programmed to believe such tripe. Whether or not we know it, the decades of teaching tolerance, has subconsciously given us all a knee-jerk aversion to labeling any foreign or non-western philosophy as evil. [Again, the sentiment is understood and respected and not wholeheartedly accepted…YET. There are those within the UAC that have done YEARS of research and have had YEARS of experience with the Islamic evil that has been thrust upon us. I know that in recent history, it was THE worse president, Jimmy Carter, in modern US History, that started this ball rolling.]

After the Taliban and Baathist regimes fell, our leaders told us that the newly installed democracies would surely spread to the neighboring Islamic dictatorships. They preached that since freedom is something that all people desire, Muslims from around the world would overwhelmingly support their Islamic brothers’ new found liberty. And Americans felt proud of their president and proud of the Muslims who we thought were part of this struggle for freedom.

But then something happened. Islam started to show its true nature. We started to see poll after poll in Muslim countries showing that the tiny .01% that wanted a global Jihad, was actually much closer to 15%, and it seemed to be growing every year. We started to see huge numbers of Islamic insurgents flock to both Iraq and Afghanistan.

No. This Isn’t A War With Jihadism At All, Is It?

We also began to understand that Muslims were unbelievably hypocritical. While they enjoyed the first-world living and freedom here in the western world, they wanted nothing more than the rest of the world to be subjugated by the most absurdly backward and strict interpretation of Sharia. [The above is true. It stems from having the misconceived idea that a few radical fruit loops have hijacked Islam. Islam was hijacked by the originating prophet…a murderous pedophile and a thieving, adulterous thief]

That being said, it makes perfect sense that the Muslims from around the world are uniting to stop any trace of freedom for their Muslim brothers. When an Iraqi or Afghani starts to use their democratic powers, or a female starts to see glimpses that she is more than a beast, the Muslims get more embolden. Their street rallies become more vociferous and violent, and when this happens our politicians ignore this hypocrisy since it goes against their initial declarations.

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This One here Is One Of The Most Stupid About The Islamic Threat(s)

So all of this being the case, we can begin to see why we are where we are now, fighting a huge battle against the Islamists that have flocked to Iraq. Our brave troops, numbering only a couple hundred-thousand are fighting against a gigantic, unlimited supply of Islamic warriors from around the globe. A worldwide Islamic army, that our politicians insist doesn’t exist and that hasn’t declared war against us. Its akin to sending 200,000 brave Americans to Berlin in 1941, and denying the fact that Nazism has already spread throughout much of Europe and North Africa.

So what should we do? The treachery has already occurred, and has already left us in a seemingly impossible situation. Maybe we should just cut and run. Some politicians have suggested that once we leave, the sectarian and regional fighting will continue, the terrorists will kill each other off, the fighting will taper off, and we can return back and finish our work there.

This would be a doable strategy if it wasn’t for one thing: the number of militant Muslims continues to increase every year. Ever since the Islamic Revolution of 79, the new bread of violent and brainwashed Muslims has grown exponentially. This generation that has been strategically brainwashed by the mosques and institutions to pledge their life to jihad and the more we wait, the more their numbers increase, and the stronger the global Jihad becomes.

But why are such a disproportionate amount of Islamic warriors drawn to Iraq? There are many other countries that seem just as crucial to further their cause. The truth is, the Islamists understand the importance of Iraq falling as part of their Islamic cause. Not just because it will become another safe-haven for Islamic paramilitaries and brainwashing, but because it will send a clear message to the west: THIS!!! is what happens if you mettle in the Muslim world. We outnumber you 1000 to 1, and we kill 100 million babies before we let you chip away our Islaomfascist Reich.

Look at how effective this strategy has been. Iran is unbelievably emboldened. Ahmadinejad is openly telling the world that he is in the planning stages of a second genocide, and not a single European country wants to even consider a tactical strike because they are scared to create ’another Iraq.’

So is the battle in Iraq and against Islam an unwinnable one? Maybe we should throw our towels in, and live out the rest of our lives, ignoring what’s going to happen, and ignoring the world that our children and grandchildren will inherit.

In reality, its not an impossible battle. But first we must acknowledge that this isn’t a regional battle or a battle against selected regimes. This is battle against Islam; a battle against a people that have already declared war on us. We must stop forcing our troops to be nothing more than policemen walking the streets of Baghdad as human targets. We must be completely offensive-minded and meet all the warriors that have flocked to borders of Iraq with loaded guns. Most importantly, the rest of the Islamic world that has fueled this Jihad must be treated as we treated the Third Reich. There must not be a single institution left standing that preaches or embodies its form of disgusting hate. Our country, and ultimately the world must become De-Islamified, and we can’t declare the war over until this is done.

Friends of The Religion of Peace

While this may seem like an unbelievable undertaking, it will only become harder to accomplish in the future. And if we wait till there are mushroom clouds over Israel and Washington DC, then we have betrayed millions of innocent people.

But I know this will never happened. I know that the betrayal by our leaders is too deep and the enormous sacrifices that our troops have endured are meaningless. I know we are about to leave Iraq and Afghanistan. I know that Islam is winning the war of patience and propaganda, and the west has responded by reverted to isolationism and ignoring their imminent doom. We are repeating the 30’s all over again and I fear the age of nuclear Jihad is almost upon us. I hope when it comes, by some act of God, the Loyalists are on our country’s doorstep.”

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Punishment For Adultery? Stoning. Listening Bill Clinton?

It is political correctness and multiculturlism that will NOT allow facts of how to deal with the Islamic Jihad to come forward. The Hounds of Baskerville will howl and wail. Idiots of the world say The Geneva Convention should guide this war but the Jihadis will NEVER operate under the Geneva guides because it is contrary is Islamic Jihad.

Personally, withdraw the troops and lay waste the entire area from the Mediterranian Sea to the Taj Mahal. The, maybe, there will be peace. The fighting and turmoil of the Tigris-Euphrates has been in and at war for millenia. The Jihadis have brought it to the rest of the world.

We have rejected it and there are only two ways out. Convert and live or fight to the death.

What will you do?

Perhaps reading our series Studies In Islam (Jihadism) should be a priority. It can be found in the Featured Section.

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