Saturday, July 7, 2007

Say What?

See You At The Bill Signing

HA! I’m NOT thinking so, there GWB. We know you believe in this bill, GWB, but, the MAJORITY of Americans do NOT want it. Remember them?

You can call us what you will and we will reciprocate in like kind. Wake up. Smell the coffee.

June 12, 2007 — WASHINGTON - Despite predictions that the Senate’s immigration reform bill is dead, President Bush yesterday declared he would retrieve it from the political dust heap and turn it into a sorely needed victory.

“I’ll see you at the bill signing,” he quipped to reporters in Bulgaria before boarding Air Force One to return from a nearly weeklong trip around Europe, including former Soviet bloc countries.

Bush has joined forces with Sen. Ted Kennedy, other Democrats and a handful of fellow Republicans to get through an immigration bill that would legalize millions of aliens now here illegally.

Some liberals say it’s too harsh, while many conservatives deride it as “amnesty.”

So, what is “so harsh” about this retarded bill and why do some push for amnesty? Is it because the current voter base is pissed off and the politicos are seeking new blood for a new voter pool?

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