Saturday, July 7, 2007

Support Israel

Say NO to the Permanent Indictment of Israel

Take Action!

The UN’s new Human Rights Council was supposed to remedy the defects of its discredited predecessor, which ignored most of the world’s abuses while instead condemning Israel half of the time. Yet contrary to assurances made last year by proponents of the supposed reform, the majority of the Council-dominated by repressive regimes-is now threatening to eliminate the independent experts who report on violations in Cuba, Belarus, Burma and North Korea, and impose new restrictions that will make it harder to scrutinize abuser governments. At the same time, contrary to what was promised, the Council this week is expected to adopt a special agenda item that will place Israel under permanent indictment. It will also indefinitely renew, without requiring a regular review procedure, the permanent investigator who examines only one side of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, where Israel will be a priori presumed guilty of violations.

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