Monday, July 9, 2007

Suspect Reporting

OK. I have already posted on the Lame Stream Media's inability to admit defeat over the "domestic spying" BS. And now we have this from CBS:
There's growing concern in the White House that Republican support for President Bush's Iraq policy is "collapsing around them," The New York Times reports Monday. That's leading some administration officials to suggest that Mr. Bush should announce plans for a gradual pullback of U.S. troops to forestall more GOP defections.
Please. Enough with the rhetoric. If anyone trusts the Lame Stream Media, they are more useless than Reid is. Give it a break and demand truth in reporting. And demand that the defunct and passe Lame Stream Media to confirm their "sources" instead of quoting a unsubstantiated and unnamed hack. They didn't learn anything from the "beheading stories" that turned out to be FALSE and LIES?

Morons. CBS is quoting the NY Slimes for crying out loud.

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