Saturday, July 7, 2007

Trading Mitt For Fred

Why Kevin McCullough Dropped Mitt for Fred

Once AGAIN, Townhall comments for Townhall authors is DOWN. This is why I have moved to WORDPRESS. I wanted to leave Kevin a message but could not. Hopefully, he will get the pingback.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Why I dropped Mitt for Fred…

Posted by: Kevin McCullough at 12:13 PM

In the election cycle that has been underway this incredibly early part of 2007, I have had a chance to shake the hands and speak personally with all of the presidential candidates.

I have to say in the early going, and largely due to a few factors - his defense of marriage in Massachusetts, his stunning credentials and record of CEO success, and because of my good friend’s great book “A Mormon in the White House” by Hugh Hewitt - I was leaning strongly Romney.

Here on TownHall, Dean Barnett has challenged all of us to articulate clearly who we are supporting so that we have the most honest debate possible. He said so, and then immediately proclaimed his loyalty to fellow New Englander - Mitt Romney.

Matt Lewis has not fully endorsed John McCain but he has definitely been faithful to keep some of us more anti-McCain cranks honest about the facts of Senator Cranky.

Patrick Ruffini has openly admitted his connection to the Rudy 2008 campaign and in doing so is benefitting TownHall readership by giving us a perspective that would more than likely be absent were he not to do so.

I have never done so in a campaign cycle - certainly never this early - but I am proud to announce that today (really as of mid-day yesterday) I am an eagerly, enthusiastic, anticipatory supporter of Fred Thompson. I have leaned his direction ever since first hearing the possibility but had to tell myself that focusing on the declared candidates was the reality - everything else just speculation.

I believe Thompson will win for a variety of reasons. He understands technology, and the total scope of the blogosphere in a far more superior way to any of the rest of the candidates. But he has also not abandoned the gray hairs - of which there are far more of than ever before for an election cycle in America. He’s gone from last place to tied for first without spending any money - and behind the laid back calm gentile facade is a fierce defender of America.

So I figured - why hide it anymore. I’m a Fred-head. So yes - the Musclehead blog will have a Fred-bias to it - as the Hewitt blog has a Mitt-bias, and as the Medved blog as an Amnesty-bias. The important thing is that we are honest about the views from which we are coming from and allow you the TownHall reader to examine our rationale for itself.

So what pushed me over the edge? Well, Fred has had some bang-up speeches and television appearances. He’s written a weekly column for us here on TownHall bringing his common sense directly to us, and in doing so he’s eliminated a lot of the filters by which messages can usually get mangled. He also speaks so that everybody in the room can understand - and funny enough according to the poll numbers - they do. I do look forward to seeing Fred in the debates and when he arrives, look for him to shoo away the attacks of the others with the ease that he puffed cigar smoke into the face of Michael Moore.

But if you really have to know what pushed me from Mitt to Fred: National Right To Life 100% rating… and the rest of what he says in this video to the NRLC that met in Washington last night.

The video is here and on my VODPOD

Plain speak on life, culture, and terror… He is unequivocal - and none of the others are.


The Leftinistra WILL not be like this because they CANNOT!

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