Friday, July 6, 2007

The Truth From Michael Yon

Michael Yon On General Hamid’s Arrest

Michael Yon On General Hamid’s Arrest

Saturday, June 02, 2007 2:29 AM

So, the truth comes out and the Lame Stream Media said what? Amazing.

Law and Order In Anbar

The Final Option

Left to Right: Lieutenant Colonel Doug Crissman; General Hamid; Sayed the interpreter. Seconds after this photo, LTC Doug Crissman grabbed General Hamid’s pistol. (Note: the pistol was already unsnapped.)

Hit, Anbar Province, Iraq

The city of Hit (pronounced “heat”) is a spot of green in the desert on the western bank of the Euphrates. The temperature is steadily rising here as the weeks melt into the mirage of summer; the haze shimmering at about 115°F now. The air was blowing hot and dry through the city Tuesday morning 29 May, when I accompanied LTC Doug Crissman for another day of meetings with local leaders in Hit and surrounding towns in Anbar Province. Crissman and the soldiers of Task Force 2-7 Infantry under his command have been welcomed in the area of Hit for about the last one hundred days. Prior to February, Hit was one of the hottest little battlegrounds of the war, with almost daily gun battles crackling through the air, mortars exploding on the bases, and bombs cratering the roads.

Click and read on. It is very interesting and shows how the citizens relied on American law and order.

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