Friday, July 13, 2007

Two RINOS Are Worshipped by CBS.

Top GOP Senators Challenge Bush On Iraq
Two prominent Republican senators, John Warner and Richard Lugar, have drafted legislation requiring President Bush to come up with a plan to dramatically narrow the mission of U.S. troops in Iraq. More...

Watch: Bush Presents Iraq Review

What these two are on the top of is a dung heap of disapprovals. Lugar signed his own political death warrant when he began coughing up furballs.

Shot In The Dark has a piece about the RINO Cancer of which Warner is suffering from.

Naturally, CBS, the Communist Broadcasting Service, supports the two pulsating and infected lymph nose puss-pods. These two are no more Republican that I think Islam is a religion of peace. They may be members of the Republican Party but so is Ron Paul and he is an extremist fruit-loop Libertarian.

Then again, what can one expect from a Lame Stream Media outlet? All they support are the Leftinistra.

It must be election cycle time.

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