Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Veterans Contemplating Suicide...LISTEN UP!!

Veteran Suicide Hot Line Established

Thanks to Cassy for the email!!!

Folks, to the left you will see a number to the newly established Veteran Suicide Hotline.


Share the Information with Veterans and their Families

More Info Visit this page:

The Department of Veterans Affairs has established a Suicide Hot Line to ensure veterans with emotional crises have round-the-clock access to trained professionals. NCOA applauds this action with the regret that the Suicide Hot Line was not established sooner! The NCOA Executive Director for Government Affairs Richard Schneider stated that veterans seeking professional mental health services must be taken care of 24/7(any hour of the day or night).

Secretary of Veterans Affairs Jim Nicholson wants every veteran and their family members to know that VA Mental Health Professionals are just a phone call away and that for many who experienced the stresses of combat may have wounds on their minds as well as their bodies.

The toll-free hot line number is 1-800-273-TALK (8255). VA's hot line will be staffed by mental health professionals in Canandaigua, N.Y. They will take toll-free calls from across the country and work closely with local VA mental health providers to help callers.

If you are a blog owner, please add that number on your blog in a highly visible spot.

Thank you---spree

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