Friday, July 6, 2007

WaPo Losers

Another LOSER At the WaPo

Another LOSER At the WaPo

Tuesday, June 05, 2007 12:54 PM

Eugene Robinson the Whiner

Whiners like this crack me up but mostly cause me to shake my head in pure disgust. These types will never learn due to their stuck in the past and their stuck on stupid mental states. I guess Fairfield Hills in Fairfield County, CT has opened their doors wide and let the fruit loops loose.

Recently, I did an editorial piece The Ever Vanishing Anti-War Crowd(s) written by another whiner. These whiners offer nothing of substance except for column fodder.

An excerpt, for the comedic value, naturally:

John Edwards had a point: Where have Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama been these past few weeks while others were shouting to the rooftops about the worsening debacle in Iraq? Sudden attacks of laryngitis? Cat got their tongues?

Clinton has a point, too, and so does Obama. When Edwards called them out at the Democratic presidential debate Sunday night, Clinton was right when she said that this is George W. Bush’s war, not anybody else’s. And Obama, who publicly opposed the war from the beginning, was right to snap at Edwards — who, like Clinton, voted to authorize military action — saying that his righteous outrage was “four and a half years late.”

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