Thursday, August 23, 2007

And The Leftinistra Dance For Us

David Shuster? Or should that be Scheister? Anyway, we remember. You more than likely do as well but your obvious BDS has your cods caught in the cogs of socialist BS.

Nice try, though. And the leftist moonbat from Crooks and Liars, Logan Murphy, presumably named after Logan's Run and Murphy's Law, says:
This evening on "Hardball" MSNBC's David Shuster started off the hour with a dead on debunking of President Bush's rhetoric from his speech earlier today in which proclaimed that a U.S. pullout in Iraq would have the same consequences as our withdrawal from Viet Nam.
IT says other similar drivel as well but the shoe is on the other foot now and I am enjoying the Death Throes Dance of the Moonbat Fruit Loop Brigades.

Dance for us now. Dance!

We will be hearing the wailing and gnashing of teeth over the Bush Slapping the Leftinistra received yesterday, 8/22/07, for quite some time but their usual tactics of distraction will not work.

We in The New Media, will not allow it.

And how does a Leftinistra spell obscurity and irrelevance, anyway?

Catch the flakes over here:

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