Sunday, August 5, 2007

Blog Talk Radio

Be sure to tune in!

Host Channel: Take Our Country Back
Dial In Number
(646) 716-8742
Show starts in
24 Days 18 Hours.
No Image Available
host name Snooper
country USA
language English
IM Program Y! Messenger
IM Name nukem

Host URL

Dedicated to the men and women of the United States Military fighting the Islamic Menace that our government has wrongly mistaken as a peaceful religion.

This will either be fun or scary.....

Below is the host's lineup for upcoming shows. To view details of a particular show, click it and they will appear in the SEGMENT DETAILS to the right.
Show/DescriptionGenreDate / Time
Driving The Liberals Into Self-Absorbed Frenzies Politics Aug 30, 1:00AM
The Leftinistra, the armies of the socialist liberals, have, since the late 1950's and early 1960's, tried to emplace socialistic/communistic and "progressive" views, principles and policies into the American Way Of Life and they have nearly succeeded.

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