Friday, August 3, 2007

C.A.I.R. and Hamas

From the Counterterrorism Blog: CAIR Executive Director Placed at HAMAS Meeting; By The Investigative Project on Terrorism (IPT)

The executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), Nihad Awad, participated in a three-day summit of U.S.-based HAMAS members and supporters in 1993.

Until now, he had been identified only as Nihad LNU (last name unknown) in FBI reports and analyses. The meeting occurred in a Philadelphia hotel in the wake of a White House ceremony formalizing the Oslo Accords, a peace deal with the potential to end the decades-old conflict between Israelis and Palestinians.

CAIR, which touts itself as America’s premier Muslim civil rights organization, was named as an unindicted co-conspirator in the terror support trial of the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development and five of its officials. Omar Ahmad, who founded CAIR with Awad in 1994 and was previously identified as attending the Philadelphia meeting, also was named as an unindicted co-conspirator.

Click the links and read the rest...

In previous posts filed here, we have shown how CAIR is a front for the overthrow of the United States through their Cultural Jihad.

Other posts we brought you, we explained what "the real deal" is in regards to Identity Politics and Multiculturalism. If one is adventurous enough or at least at a minimum, has the courage and moral fortitude to do so, one can go here and learn of that which we face. The authors of the pieces therein are scholars of the subject(s).

And the Democratic Leadership and the RINOs cater and pander to the Enemies Among Us all in the name of nice-nice, with a group sworn to defeat us and take over.

Remember. They are

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