Monday, August 13, 2007

Code Brain Dead

The other day, Michelle Malkin and others informed us of the Moonbat Hunger Strike. Today, CNS News has a little blurb about it and it directs us to SFGate.
She joined a crowd of about 100 demonstrators dressed in hot pink hats, shirts and scarves and fought the wind to raise her sign: "Impeach Bush and Cheney!"

"My arms are aching, but I'm getting energy from the drivers -- so many are honking in support," she said.

Wrong, moron. They are honking because y'all are idiots and wish you would catapult yourself over the edge and plummet to the water below.

Here is what I think. Seeing that these morons have NEVER read the Constitution, they have NO business demanding impeachment of anyone. Not ONE person has come up with causation for impeachment. Not one. Oh, yes, we have moonbats that demand such action but, moonbats are the lowest life-form on the planet and have no more common sense that a dead gnat. At times,I think dead gnats have more brain power than these silly and insignificant moonbats. Personally,I think they should be placed under whale poop seeing that the stature of whale poop is the lowest one can go in the oceans of the world.

Alas! I digress. Actually, these fools, when conducting their inane hunger strikes, should be forced to go the limit. After all, this would mean more food for the rest of us and good fertilizer for a hog farm someplace.

Just a thought.

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