Friday, August 31, 2007

Congress Critters Describe 'Being Slimed in the Green Zone'

What would or what should they expect? Respect? Respect is earned. WE have men and women in uniform defending this nation and our own CONgress Critters do just about everything in their power "sliming" the troops. It is an unwise happenstance to rile up well trained military members. They have guns.

Three are some that have claimed that the troops got "wrong data" on the visiting cut and runners. Not hardly. They have access to the internet as well. The folks over at Think Progress just may want to do that one day...think progress. However, we all know what their "progressive thinking" "IS", don't we? And, anything they can do to undermine The Mission in Iraq, they will surely do, won't they? Much like the socialists at "Loon and Huff and Puff.

I like the analogy over at Don Surber's blog.

Truth hurts. Is she saying she lied when she said: “Our forces are caught in the middle of an escalating sectarian conflict in Iraq, with no end in sight”? Is she saying she is ashamed that she said: “Our forces are caught in the middle of an escalating sectarian conflict in Iraq, with no end in sight”? Is she saying she was misquoted when she said: “Our forces are caught in the middle of an escalating sectarian conflict in Iraq, with no end in sight”?

Slimed, eh?

Yep. And more power to the troops.

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