Thursday, August 16, 2007



Have I missed something? Has the report been delivered?


Poll: Americans don't trust Iraq report25 minutes ago
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Rob / Say Anything: Poll: Majority Of Americans "Don't" Trust Petraeus' Iraq Report

From the Communist News Network Political Tracker:
A majority of Americans don't trust the upcoming report by the Army's top commander in Iraq on the progress of the war and even if they did, it wouldn't change their mind, according to a new poll.

President Bush has frequently asked Congress — and the American people — to withhold judgment on his troop surge into Iraq until Gen. David Petraeus and Ambassador Ryan Crocker issue their progress report in September.

But according to a new CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll released Thursday, 53 percent of people polled said they don't trust the military assessment of the situation without trying to make it sound better than it actually is. 43 percent said they do trust the general's report. (Read full poll results [PDF])

CNN Polling Director Keating Holland said he doesn't think the mistrust is directed at Petreaus as much as it is what he represents.

Click the link and read the rest of the crap.

From Say Anything:

Call me crazy, but shouldn’t that say “won’t”? Given that the report isn’t even out yet?

Amen, brother!! Does anyone see what's wrong with the above picture?

So why on earth would we trust a public opinion poll of a bunch of people who a) don’t even know what will be in this report and b) are apparently so close-minded that they don’t care what it says anyway?

Some people's KOSmonoffs. I swear!

UPDATE!! And the Moonbats cringe and slither away. This is oh so much more than absurd.

AFTER being hailed as King David, the potential saviour of Iraq, the US commander General David Petraeus is facing a backlash in advance of his report to Congress in September on the progress of America’s troop surge.

Critics, including one recently retired general, are privately calling him “General Betraeus” on the grounds that he is too ambitious to deliver a balanced report on the war.

Lawrence Korb, a defence official under Ronald Reagan who is now at the Center for American Progress, a Democratic think tank, said Petraeus was regarded as “the most political general since General [Douglas] Mac-Arthur”, a reference to the second world war hero who was touted as a possible president.

Opponents of the troop surge believe that President George W Bush has been hiding behind Petraeus’s reputation for too long. “The president says the surge is the ‘Petraeus’ strategy. Petraeus should say, ‘No, I work for the president. This is his strategy’,” said Korb. “He is very ambitious and there’s nothing wrong with that, but his ambition may be used in an inappropriate way.”

In the picture below, General Petraeus is the Hawk and the Leftinistra is the mouse.

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