Thursday, August 30, 2007

Eagles Rising: Here We Come

And we shall NOT be silenced!

Friends, we have just three days until Move America Forward launches the historic "Fight for Victory Tour" - at a time when the "mother of all battles" is taking place about whether to cut off support for the missions of our troops serving in the war on terrorism.

We've posted the route we will take (with driving directions) for the first 3 days of the caravan at our website: - that info is located via link just below the map on the front page. We'll also distribute directions for each day of the caravan at every rally stop along the way.

We're pleading with all of you to join us for at least part, if not all, of the caravan, and to attend one or more of the 27 pro-troop rallies that will take place along the way.

Also - we can pass along to you some news stories that have been published discussing our efforts, and those of our friends in the pro-troop movement. Read them and get motivated for all that we are about to do:

Michelle Malkin Syndicated Column, "Return of the Eagles"

Human Events: Where Will the Patriots Be on Sept. 15th

WorldNetDaily: Finally! Combating the Anti-Victory Crowd

P.S. Don't forget, we're trying to build big crowds, and one way we'll do that is by airing ads on radio, TV and the Internet to get the word out. You can help us reach the public by helping fund this ad campaign. Donate online here

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