Thursday, August 2, 2007

The Fatal Facts of Islamic Jihad

Here are the fatal facts nobody wants to acknowledge; I will do it because I don't give a damn who I piss off:
  1. Islam is permanent war.
  2. Islam is terrorism.
  3. Islam is genocide.
  4. Permanent war, terrorism and genocide will continue so long as one Muslim is left alive on the face of the earth.
  5. Peace process = surrender.
  6. Restraint = weakness.
  7. Good will gestures = appeasement.
  8. Concessions = appeasement
  9. Peace talks = surrender.
  10. Land for peace = societal suicide.
  11. Peace is obtained through victory.
  12. Victory is the extinction of Islam.
#4 is a bit of a reach for me but the rest? Absolutely.

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