Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Final Call – Wounded Warrior Packs

This is a final call for those of you who wish to sponsor a Wounded Warrior Care Pack that Move America Forward will be delivering to our recovering troops at Walter Reed Medical Center upon the arrival of our national cross-country "Fight for Victory Tour" in Washington, D.C.

The deadline to sponsor these packages in time for us to have them processed and labeled and packed is Thursday, August 30th at 3:00 PM Eastern // 6:00 PM Pacific.

The Campaign Store

P.S. Today we received media inquiries from reporters not just across America but from abroad as well who want to cover the "Fight for Victory Tour" caravan and 27 pro-troop rallies. Would you please consider joining our caravan in your own vehicle for at least part of the way, if not the entire way? Can you try to get just 3 friends to show up to one of our pro-troop rallies along the way? The caravan route and rally schedule are located here: Move America Forward

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