Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Gathering of Eagles After-Action Report

Trouncing Trolls and Fruit Loop Moonbats is their mission and they are good at it.


After-Action Report: 17 August 2007, 1800 Hours Washington, NC

The Moonbats assembled in Washington, NC sank to a new low yesterday. As usual their crowd was small but larger than the week before. The Eagles responded to the call of battle and once again we had to chase their coward asses down the street since they do not want to stand in front of us and defend ‘who the hell knows’ their position.

The City of Washington was putting on a “block party” of music, food and dancing for the young people of Washington. I dare say there were a good thousand plus of teens, parents and the citizens of the wonderful city of Washington in attendance.

And then came the ROLLING THUNDER of Jacksonville, NC Chapter on their beautiful bikes accompanied by wives and friends. They also had many lady riders as well. What a beautiful sight to hold. They cruised by with their flags flapping in the breeze, their stereos blaring the Marine Corp Hymn, Anchors A Weigh, Star Spangled Banner and many others songs.

The Moonbat Scumbags were absolutely blown away. They were mortified! They had the pangs of fear sweep through their bodies and I think one of them peed in their pants. After a couple of “gun runs”, er… passes!, they parked their beautiful steeds of steel and walked up to our position on the line in their full regalia and hats.

I started laughing when the Moonbats came together in a huddle and I heard one exclaimed “Holy Sh*t” they are coming up here to get us. I think I could speak for the whole crowd of Eagles saying how proud we were to be an Eagle and a Vietnam Vet and see these brothers and sisters coming up to join us at our battle line. It was better than seeing the Cavalry save the day!
Now for the sad part of the evening. This demonstrates the MoonBat Scumbags will resort to anything. Because they were vastly outgunned, they begin to grab young people and anyone who would listen to them to recruit them on the spot to counter the Eagles. They especially went after the young people. They put these young teens IN FRONT OF THEM TO PROTECT THEMSELVES….! Just like the NVA would put innocent children and women in the front lines knowing the Americans would not fire on innocents!

How damn low can you get. Now the sickening part!

Many of the young people rode by blew their horns in support of the Eagles. Some wandered across the street and were mobbed by the Moonbats to sign their petition. Of one group of teens (5 in number) were conned into holding up signs for the Moonbats; “TEENS FOR PEACE” and the real low one a young lady probably sixteen years old holding a sign “FU*K BUSH”. The other disgusting sign was shown by a young lad, maybe 18-20 “POT FOR PEACE.”

Most of the Eagles on the field last night are fathers, mothers, grandfathers and grandmothers. Imagine yourself recruiting children to stand in front lines to protect yourself and then display signs of filth and disrespect. These Moonbats have NO HONOR, NO RESPECT, NO LOVE OF CHILDREN AND NOTHING ELSE but their own personal greed and stupid, moronic code of hate.

I am more proud of being an Eagle than ever before. All of us out there should be proud. We will win! We will see the face of America change. Our fathers generation screwed it up and we are going to fix it. I cannot imagine how much our brothers on the Wall are proud of us. If we could see them for day, I think they would say, “Well Done”.



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