Sunday, August 5, 2007

Good News For America...Horrible News For the Democratic Party Leaders

Ain't it a shame?

Jeff Emanuel reporting in from Kuwait:
It's no secret that the Middle East is one of the hottest places on earth. However, even when time and effort has been spent preparing for it -- including hikes and runs in the heat of the day in Atlanta, Israel, and Jordan -- there still is nothing that can keep down the sinking feeling that comes when, upon landing in Kuwait City in the early evening, the pilot says "the temperature in KC is 118 degrees Fahrenheit" -- and the Kuwaiti lady sitting next to you says, "Praise Allah -- a cool day!"

Jeff Emanuel, a special operations military veteran who served in Iraq, will be reporting from "Inside the Surge" in that country throughout August and September. In order to perform this mission, he is dependent on the generosity of his readers; so, if you are so inclined, please consider clicking the link at right and donating to help support his effort.

Click the links to read on...
BlackfiveTV moving right along
I have been mucking about with video for a while, mostly trying different things. I have weak gear and no real talent, but I think some has been passable and the concept is valid. This will be the second installment of Blackfive TV and we are looking to raise our game up here. We have a couple of major sponsorship deals underway that may allow us to have some actual professional production done.
The Fourth Rail
As Iraqi and US security forces are conducting clearing operations in Samarra, US Special Forces killed Haitham Sabah Shaker Mohammed al Badri, al Qaeda's emir in Salahadin province. Al Badri was a high value target who was behind the February 2006 bombing of the Golden Dome of the Al Askaria mosque and this year's destruction of the two remaining minarets at the mosque. He was "in charge of an al Qaeda unit consisting of two Iraqis, four Saudis and a Tunisian," Reuters reported.
Click the links provided to read on.

The progress FINALLY getting properly covered by The New Media as well has the stragglers of the once "Main Stream Media" has the Moonbat Brigades in a tail spin. That claim is "Rather" evident from the videos showing the moonbattiness of the Daily KOSmonoffs at their silly little irrelevant convention.

As I have said many times before, the Leftinistra are slipping into the abyss of obscurity.

There isn't any "buzz" about this at memeorandum yet there sure is at The Victory Caucus.

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