Friday, August 24, 2007

HEY! Murtha! Where's That Apology?

Dear Dishonorable Representative Murtha,

Your Marines are getting off, one by one, due to LACK OF EVIDENCE supporting YOUR ignorant, pompous lying ass claim to dishonor.

Resign, "mister" Murtha.

You have earned it.

May you rot wherever you spend your eternity.

Haditha Investigator Urges Dropping of Marine's Case
Bad news for military-hating mediots and far lefties alike
Only liberals seem to be shocked that when you fire at a Marine they fire back,
Murtha’s shame - Marines recommended to drop more charges in Haditha farce
Another Haditha Marine Cleared


Tracked back by Wake up America: Haditha Investigator:Drop Marine murder case

Sorry folks. My warrior's blood is boiling and I cannot be nice to this Turd of a useless and pathetic man.

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