Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Hollyweird Has Been Silent...Until Now

Well, it had to happen. Hollyweird has been very, very silent in recent months, and thank God for it. I have to conclude here that the DNC has recognized their falling from Grace of the American people and they are trying, in a sad attempt here, to re-energize their moonbats. Their choice of Paul Newman is a poor one.

I cannot get the video up from the DSCC site BUT, never fear, it is on You Tube. The URL to watch it is here and I also have it in my VODPOD above.

In this video with Paul Newman, he states that the DSCC is the only....well; go listen yourself and draw your own conclusions. I will say that if THIS is the DSCC stance, they are indeed desperate and their vaunted "majority", useless as it is, will slip further into obscurity come the next election. And, they know it.

Enjoy the video; revel in the dire straight the Leftinistra have wrought upon themselves. I am.

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