Tuesday, August 21, 2007

If At First You Don't Succeed...Waffle

Here is a shining example, again, why Hillary and Obama are assuredly NOT ready for the Big Tent. Oh, they yammer now and then on how they are indeed qualified but, they delude themselves and they cater and pander to the weak-kneed, the emotional and those that have an adversity to actually think for themselves. Thinking for oneself can give one a massive headache if not yet accustomed to original thought. Such is the case with the followers of the Czarina and the young lad Obama.

Aug. 19 (Bloomberg) -- Senator Hillary Clinton warned Democrats not to ``oversell'' plans to withdraw U.S. troops from Iraq, setting a cautious tone on the war that was echoed by the party's two other leading presidential candidates.

Clinton and her main competitors for the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination, Senator Barack Obama and former Senator John Edwards, agreed in a debate this morning that pulling U.S. forces out of Iraq can't be accomplished in just a few months and that any withdrawal must be balanced by security concerns.

``It is so important that we not oversell this,'' Clinton said at the ABC News-sponsored forum in Des Moines, Iowa. Edwards concurred, saying it ``would be hard'' to move troops out within six months, as suggested by New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson, while Obama said U.S. options are limited.

Wasn't it not all that long ago that Czarina AND Obama were saying to get out and get out now? Why the waffle? Could it be that we are WINNING the war now and this scares them?

Actually, I "Rather" enjoy watching the DNC debates because we catch them in their BDS and double standards and their double talk every time. They never learn that honesty is the best policy.

It will be interesting to "see" what the reactions will be after the presentation by General Petraeus mid-September. With the Good Lord permitting, I will be in DC when this takes place as part of the massive formations of Pro-America Rallies and pro-Troop Support Rallies that will overwhelm the Fruit Loop Brigades that will be there as well. We are planning a live broadcast via Blog Talk Radio if all the bugs are worked out. Should be a hoot to watch the moonats run away...again.

For yet another example, here the Czarina is pretending to care but at the same time slamming and slandering our men and women in uniform. What an idiot this turd of a human truly "IS".


August 21, 2007 -- WASHINGTON - Hillary Rodham Clinton told a veterans group yesterday that President Bush's troop surge is working - but that it is still time to bring U.S. troops home from Iraq.

"It's working. We're just years too late in our tactics," she said, referring to the beefed-up U.S. troop presence battling insurgents in Iraq, including war-torn Anbar province.

"We can't be fighting the last war. We have to keep preparing to fight the new war. We have to win.

"I think the best way of honoring their service is bringing them home," she told the Veterans of Foreign Wars in Kansas City.

Clinton's positive assessment of the troop surge puts her in agreement with some high-ranking military officials and scholars, but in direct opposition to many fellow Democrats.

Hillary = a box of turtle turds.

Read more at the Hillary Watch

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