Thursday, August 9, 2007

If You Were An Idiot NYT Blogger...

...would you invite ideas on how to Fear Monger? Why, yes you would! Why? Because you are a class-act Meat Whistle. That's why.

This fruit loop bottom-bolt of a sludge pot is dumber than a box of turtle turds. I swear!

Steven D Levitt is a moose twit.

Damn moron...

August 9, 2007 -- The New York Times yesterday presented on its Web site a piece that its author declared to be a "public service" - offering specific ideas on how terrorists with limited resources could "maximize terror" in America.

So what did Steven D. Levitt, a University of Chicago economics professor, come up with as "the best terrorist plan I have heard"?

"Arm 20 terrorists with rifles and cars, and arrange to have them begin shooting randomly at pre-set times all across the country," suggested Levitt - a notion that he credited to his father


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