Tuesday, August 14, 2007


For the Final Tally, click here

As y'all know, I am running a highly classified and scientific survey in regards to the Caliphate. The following are the results so far.

You can tell which ones have their heads on straight and which ones are the moonbats living in denial.

It is a wonderful development. 1%3
I don't know anything about it. 0%1
What is a Caliphate? 2%5
It is a worldwide threat to Freedom. 51%104
I think it is a neocon fabrication. 3%6
It must not be allowed to exist. 27%55
Bush did it. 2%5
The Caliphate wants to rule from Spain to Indonesia. 12%25
That is none of your business. 0%1
We should let bygones be bygones. 0%0
205 votes total

LOL!! Bush did it? LOL!!!

Seems as the same troll from Jihadoland is here again!!

So far, 21 0ut of 205 are retarded people and shouldn't be allowed to vote.

Such losers.

It hasn't gone unnoticed that the sad-sack troll that switches IPs like the KOSmonoffs lie keeps voting. Isn't it curious that the trolls and moonbats feel it necessary to cheat? Isn't that dishonest? Then again, honesty isn't their way now, "IS" it?

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