Sunday, August 12, 2007

The Islamic Caliphate...Truth and Consequences

Go ahead. Keep your head in the sand. Go ahead. Continue living in that pretend reality of yours. Go ahead. Live in a constant state of denial and that isn't a river in Egypt. Go ahead and ignore the facts.

Many of us on the right (correct) side of the GWOT, albeit we don't always agree, have known about the burning desire of the Islamic Menace to rein in the Caliphate. This post is a mere scratch on the surface.
Bush admitted the past four years haven’t been easy, especially in Iraq, but that they were necessary if that nation and Afghanistan are to emerge as free societies.

“Once again, history has called on great nations to assume great responsibilities,” Bush said. “The broad coalition has protected millions of people.”

Bush reminded everyone that on Sept. 11, 2001, 19 terrorists went on a rampage that killed more than 3,000 people from 80 countries. Since that time, some 90 nations have worked in some capacity to stop Al Qaida and the Taliban.

The president likened the radical Islamic push for a caliphate to that of Nazi Germany.

“They are determined to bring days of greater destruction” Bush said. “We must go on the offense, stay on the offense, and take the fight to them.”

Since 9/11, America and her allies have shared intelligence that has essentially stopped numerous attacks, terror cells have been broken up and local law enforcement and armies have been trained around the globe.
Amazing? And what do the denying ones make of this?
Hindrocket / Power Line:10 minutes ago SHARIA NOW! — Earlier today, 70,000 to 80,000 Indonesians rallied at a stadium in Jakarta in support of a new caliphate that would institute Sharia law world-wide: … The demonstration was peaceful. This photo shows some of the participants:
Link Search: Google, Ask, Technorati, Sphere, and IceRocket
Agence France Presse: Hardline group rallies for world Islamic ruleNEW!
Link Search: Google, Ask, Technorati, Sphere, and IceRocket

Gateway Pundit:
Massive Hizb ut-Tahrir Caliphate Conference Opens in Jakarta- 100,000 Expected
Link Search: Google, Ask, Technorati, Sphere, and IceRocket

If the Islamic Menace of which we face the globe over we call Earth does not wish to rein in the Caliphate, than, what does one call this? A meeting of rhetoric?

In previous posts, Islam and FATWAH! War Declared Against The US!, we read and learn that the United States of America stands in the way of the re-establishment of the Caliphate.

That is what this War On Terror is all about. It is not about oil. It is not about the WMDs. It is about The Why.

Perhaps a trip to my blog now dedicated to the Studies of Islam is in order for the uninitiated and the uneducated. Go there and look for the label Studies in Islam. Be prepared to spend many days and hours there.

Learn of the Caliphate...what it once was and how it was dissolved and why millions of Islamists want it back. What is the Caliphate and what is the breadth of its desired control? Learn the answers to those questions and you shall find what this GWOT is all about.

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