Thursday, August 2, 2007

Latest AQ Video Threat(s)

The Blotter has their video link here.

Blurb here:
A new al Qaeda propaganda ad, headlined "Wait for the Big Surprise" and featuring a digitally altered photograph of President George Bush and Pakistan's President Pervez Musharraf standing in front of a burning White House, was posted on the Internet today.
Past entries below:

New Al Qaeda Video Release Reported (from July 15th)

A March 2007 Al Sahab video production
advises mujahidin in Somalia

A video clip featuring Osama bin Laden lauding martyrs for their work on behalf of the jihadist cause has surfaced on the Internet, according to news reports. The footage of bin Laden himself does not appear to be recent; a Washington organization called the SITE Intelligence Group identifies it as 2003 footage. The production itself, however, is new. It was put out by the Al Sahab media foundation, which produces Al Qaeda's media. Al Sahab has been putting out videos on a regular basis this year, most recently on July 4, 2007.

Analysts who track Al Qaeda's media take interest in the number of productions Al Sahab is capable of putting out and in the sophistication of their productions. These are clues to the kind of equipment and expertise the organization can afford, and to the conditions under which producers may be working. At last count, Al Sahab was probably producing out of Pakistan.

But while producers are relatively underground, their productions aren't. In fact, you can find them on YouTube. My search for the producer brought up a whole page of video clips produced by Al Sahab. (Most have been subtitled in English, and make for interesting watching).

Jihad TV...wonderful.

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