Friday, August 24, 2007

The Losers Are Squirming As Worms Do

This here be a Texican's round up of losers and what they yammer on about so in the face of facts. Facts that escape the theoretical learned amongst us.

My Dad used to say, "At ease, disease! There's fungus among us!"

Just thought I'd throw that one in.

Al-Maliki: Flawed, but he was elected.

Al-Maliki: Flawed, but he was elected.

Iraq's Diem


War On Terror: Democrats arrogantly tell Iraq's elected government to oust Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, but those poised to replace him are worse. Imagine a Mideast version of the disastrous 1963 U.S.-backed coup against Vietnamese President Ngo Dinh Diem. READ MORE

Sen. Obama Vs. Gen. Petraeus
Politics Of War:
Barack Obama tells the VFW there's no military solution in Iraq while Gen. David Petraeus proves him wrong. Petraeus is scheduled to report to Congress on Sept. 15. We'd prefer Sept. 11. READ MORE

Going, Going, Gone
It's no longer any surprise that the budget deficit is plunging, just as President Bush predicted. What's surprising is those who most criticized Bush for the recession-driven deficits are about to send them soaring again. READ MORE

Support the Iraq War with Higher Taxes and a Draft?

President Bush's speech before a gathering of Veterans of Foreign Wars drew attention with his provocative comparison to Vietnam, in which he reminded Americans that the U.S. pullout from Vietnam led to millions being killed in Asia. The media jumped on Bush for alleged hypocrisy in comparing the situation in Iraq with Vietnam, even though the liberal press itself has long invoked the failure of Vietnam when discussing Iraq.

9-11 Failures: Blaming Bush's Neo-Cons, Ignoring Clinton's Exaggerations

Thursday's lead editorial, "The C.I.A. Report," took a jaundiced anti-Bush look at the C.I.A.'s assessment of pre-9-11 intelligence failures, written in 2005 and finally released yesterday.

Predictably, the editorial focused on what it obviously considered the most important part of the story, blaming Bush for inaction -- specifically, for distracting C.I.A. director George Tenet through its "neo-conservative agenda." In the Times vision of the world, again Bill Clinton completely escapes blame and is credited for things he did not do.

From The Hill:

Sen. Warner advocates troop drawdown - By Klaus Marre

In an effort to get Iraqi leaders to take action to quell the violence in their country, President Bush should authorize the withdrawal of U.S. troops next month, Sen. John Warner (R-Va.) said Thursday.

“Take into consideration the need to send a sharp and clear message throughout the region, to the United States, and one that people can understand,” Warner recommended. He added that such a move would send a message to Iraq’s government and the region that the U.S. commitment is not open-ended and that political progress must be made."

> Read More

Several points here. First of all, that last quote is really creepy. The thought of a massacre on American soil seems to leave Dukakis unmoved, except that he worries it might be harmful to his party's political prospects. But this is of a piece with his insouciant attitude toward the depredations of Willie Horton (a murderer who brutalized a Maryland couple after his release on a Dukakis-approved prison furlough program) and a hypothetical question in a 1988 debate about how he would feel if his own wife were raped and murdered. An important reason Dukakis lost is that he comes across as freakishly bloodless, unable to convey the normal range of human emotion.

Taking a -Stan for Democracy
Yesterday we noted that blogger Josh Marshall is denying that President Bush has ever had an agenda to promote democracy--even though the same Josh Marshall claimed, 4 1/2 years ago, to have uncovered Bush's dark plot to promote democracy. Reader Mark Conversino takes issue with the 2007 Marshall:

Networks Declare Bush's Vietnam Lesson Hypocritical and Invalid

MSNBC's Barnicle Blurts: 'Has Bush Ever Read a Book on Vietnam?'

Tancredo: GOP hopefuls sound like me on immigration - By Klaus Marre

Presidential candidate and immigration hawk Rep. Tom Tancredo (Colo.) said Wednesday that his fellow GOP White House hopefuls are increasingly sounding like him on the issue of immigration.

"I'm happy now that almost every one of my colleagues, standing up there on the stage, running for the Republican nomination, is sounding like Tom Tancredo when it comes to illegal immigration," the lawmaker said.

> Read More

Don't Look Now
We begin today with a public service announcement from the Federal Bureau of Investigation:

The Seattle FBI and the Washington Joint Analytical Center (WAJAC) are requesting the public's assistance in identifying the two individuals pictured below. These men have been seen aboard Washington State Ferries on several occasions and have exhibited unusual behavior, which was reported by passengers. While this behavior may have been innocuous, the FBI and WAJAC would like to resolve these reports.

If you can identify these individuals, or know their whereabouts, please call: 206 622-0460

The Seattle FBI and the Washington Joint Analytical Center (WAJAC) are requesting the public's assistance in identifying the two individuals pictured [nearby]. These men have been seen aboard Washington State Ferries on several occasions and have exhibited unusual behavior, which was reported by passengers. While this behavior may have been innocuous, the FBI and WAJAC would like to resolve these reports.

You can click on the photos above or the link atop this column to go to the press release, which has the full pictures.

‘Fox News Wants War With Iran,’ Liberal Activist Insists
- Filmmaker and liberal political activist Robert Greenwald is taking another shot at Fox News Channel, accusing the cable network of “continued warmongering.” “Fox wants war with Iran,” Greenwald says on his Web site. In a backhanded compliment to Fox News, he’s urging other, larger news networks “not to follow Fox down the road to war again.”

Pro-Chavez Lawmakers Give Nod to Radical Constitutional Changes
– In a “unanimous” decision, Venezuela’s National Assembly has given initial approval to constitutional changes being pushed by President Hugo Chavez that will, among other things, allow him to extend his tenure in office indefinitely...

Gun Control Groups Prepare for ‘National Day of Protest’
– Gun control activists have declared Tuesday, Aug. 28, a “national day of protest to focus attention on the scourge of illegal gun trafficking.” The Brady Campaign, along with its Million Mom March chapters, said it will join the Rev. Jesse Jackson’s Operation PUSH Coalition at demonstrations in cities across America...

Libya, Iran, Cuba Leading Preparations for UN Racism Conference
– With Libya at the helm, and Iran, Cuba and Pakistan among the 20 nations participating, a United Nations-convened meeting in Geneva next week will begin to lay the groundwork for a global conference on racism in 2009...

Iran Still Evading UN Sanctions, Says Policy Expert
- The largest branch of Iran’s military, the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, is violating United Nations sanctions against nuclear weapons proliferation, according to a policy expert on Iran, who also said the group should be deemed a terrorist organization...

1,964 Missiles Fired From Gaza in Last Two Years
Jerusalem (
– The Al Aksa Martyrs Brigades, part of Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah faction, is still operating in Hamas-controlled Gaza. On Wednesday, the group claimed responsibility for firing mortars into Israel...

In Wake of Massacre of Yazidis: Iraqi Kurdish Liberal Hussein Sinjari on Minorities in Iraq and Middle East

To view this Special Dispatch in HTML, visit:

The August 14, 2007 terror attack on the Yazidi community in the Sinjar region of Iraqi Kurdistan has provoked a great deal of commentary in the Iraqi and Arab press, due both to the death toll, high even by Iraqi standards, and to the fact that the Yazidis are a unique religious minority. The attack was widely condemned, including in a statement by 60 Muslim clerics from various countries and of various sects, as well as in a separate statement by the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood.(1)

Lebanese Shi'ite Scholar Muhammad Ali Al-Husseini Slams Syria, Iran, Hizbullah; Declares Support for Saudi Efforts in Middle East

The following is an interview with Lebanese Sh'iite scholar Muhammad Ali Al-Husseini, which aired on TeleLiban TV on August 18, 2007.

To view this clip, visit:

"The Role that [the Saudi] Kingdom Has Played and is Still Playing in Lebanon and in the Arab World is One of Reconciliation and Unification"

Muhammad Ali Al-Husseini: "Everybody, near and far, friend and foe, realizes that the role of the Saudi kingdom – the kingdom of Arabism, of Islam, and of humanism... The role that this kingdom has played and is still playing in Lebanon and in the Arab world is one of reconciliation and unification. It tries to extinguish civil strife and bring brothers together. This role began with Palestine, when Saudi King Abdullah bin Abd Al-Aziz took pains to convene brother Mahmoud Abbas and the brothers from Hamas, Khaled Mash'al and others. The agreement was reached on the purest and best land, in Holy Mecca, under the assumption that this was a brotherly agreement, but along came those who wanted to tarnish its purity. The Syrian regime..."

And that right there is a very small collection of items and pieces that I have read and not blogged upon all of them...yet.

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