Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Michael Yon...Into the Sea

What would we, the American people,do without the likes of Michael Yon, Bill Roggio, Matt Sanchez, Michael Totten and others? These men are risking their lives to bring to the American people that which the alleged "Main Stream Media" ashamedly will not.

Our political leadership know beyond a shadow of a doubt that our Military members are winning this war but because of "political concerns" back here at home, they will not let the American People know, either. It is a sad day in America that politics trumps reality.

Click the link provided and Read On as these heroes Soldier On.

Into the Sea
It was after midnight and there was to be no sleep. Thinking of the war. I stepped out of bed already dressed, pulled on the shoes without socks and walked a minute or so to the beach. August 15 had begun. On the beach the small stands selling skewers of cooked meat, soft drinks, beer and water were closing. I sat in the dark looking out at the dark sea. Some light shined from behind and to the right, but mostly there was darkness, the sea, and scattered Balinese people. No moon. The sea was mostly quiet, the waves gentle. Thousands of stars twinkled above the Bali Sea. The Milky Way was clear. (there is a link for the photos available)

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