Friday, August 10, 2007

Michael Yon's Friend Kidnapped In Iraq

Courageous Iraqi Kidnapped
Associated Press journalist Talal Mohammed has been kidnapped. I learned this information earlier but did not report it out of concern for his safety. The Associated Press has now officially reported his kidnapping. I first met Talal on the first day of Operation Arrowhead Ripper.
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NEW YORK (AFP) - An Iraqi journalist working for the Associated Press has been missing for more than a week and family and witnesses believe he has been kidnapped by masked gunmen, the US news agency said Tuesday.

Talal Mohammed, who provided both news and photographs for the wire agency, disappeared while traveling to Baghdad from Baquba on July 28, according to his family, who said they believed he had been abducted by masked gunmen.

Mohammed, 40, was with a friend on a bus when they were stopped at an illegal checkpoint, the family said. The area, just north of Baghdad, is considered a hotbed of Sunni insurgent activity.

The family said they learned of the abduction from Mohammed's companion, who was later released and asked not be named.

More to follow as it comes in...

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