Monday, August 13, 2007

Michael Yon...Three Marks on the Horizon

Once again, and as usual, Michael Yon, risking his all, again, brings us reports that the cowardly Lame Stream cannot or will not bring to the American People.

The American People should be asking themselves and then the vaunted bastions of reporting, "Why won't the Lame Stream Media report these stories? What are their motives and whose pockets are they in?"

Read on.

And Mr Yon? Soldier On!

Three Marks on the Horizon
Almost everyone (by now) must have heard about the “lazy” Iraqi parliament members who, like so many Neros fiddling while Rome burns around them, are taking a month off. Yet comparatively few Americans will ever hear or read about IA Scorpion Company Commander Captain Baker; or Iraqi entrepreneur and community catalyst, “Tonto”; or the Mayor of Baqubah, who summoned the courage to step out of the shadow of al Qaeda and fight to get his constituents a warehouse-sized stockpile of food.

So much war, so many missions, but never enough time to publish dispatches covering more than a small fraction of it. These photos were from a mission with 2-7 Cavalry, earlier this year, which launched from Mosul. It would have made an interesting story at the time, but it might have even more value in retrospect.

Click the link above to read the rest. Thanks.

Michael Yon does not receive funding or financial support from any news media, movie, book or television deals at this time. These dispatches are entirely reader supported. Readers who value this work can support it, and even help to increase the flow: supporting his mission.

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