Thursday, August 16, 2007

News The left Hates and Ignores

Former Dean of Islamic Law at Qatar University Abd Al-Hamid Al-Ansari Speaks Out in Support of U.S. Presence in Middle East

To view this Special Dispatch in HTML, visit:

The following are excerpts from an interview with former dean of Islamic law at Qatar University, Abd Al-Hamid Al-Ansari. The interview aired on Abu Dhabi TV on July 26, 2007.

To view an entire page of interviews on Arab TV of Abd Al-Hamid Al-Ansari please visit

To view this clip, please visit

"We Still Repeat the Same Mistakes, to the Point That the Criteria of Victory and Defeat Have Been Distorted"

Abd Al-Hamid Al-Ansari: "Unfortunately, the history of the Muslims has become confused with their religion. The Muslims are no different than other nations. Some actions of the Muslims are not in line with the teaching of their religion. Some traditions have dominated Islamic society for over a thousand years, although they run counter to the religion of Islam. The shura [consultation] is a lofty principle in Islam. Since the rule of the four Righteous Caliphs, which lasted 30 years, the shura has disappeared from the lands of the Muslims – even though we are in need of the shura, which nowadays is synonymous with democracy. The people of the nation have the right to elect their ruler, and to hold him accountable. All these values disappeared with the disappearance of the shura."
There is quite a bit more in this presentation...Read On and view the videos. What are our media moguls so afraid of?

There is more from MEMRI...the news our OWN media is sorely afraid of...I wonder why...

This can be viewed in two locations, here and here:

The massive increase in oil revenues in most of the six members of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) – Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman and Kuwait – has created unprecedented opportunities for the building of infrastructure, the provision of social services and, at the same time, for investments overseas.

These investments have been channeled through two principal pipelines – acquisition of assets and the purchase of shares in high quality financial and industrial firms. According to the London daily Al-Sharq Al-Awsat of August 13, the Gulf countries have channeled $140 billion for overseas investments in the last three years. In a relatively short time, some of the Gulf countries have become respectable actors on the international financial scene.

At the same time, a hospitable investment environment, the privatization of state-owned entities, and the prospects of mutually profitable deals have attracted a massive influx of Western financial services and industry to the Gulf region. The opening of the real estate market for foreign investors, particularly in Dubai, has created a massive construction boom which is fueling economic growth at a rapid rate.
On the relationships between Iran and Syria for the uneducated, the uninitiated and those suffering from Ostrichitis
The cooperation between Iran and Syria has recently broadened in a variety of areas, including the military, security, economic and scientific spheres.

Close relations between the two countries are evident, inter alia, in numerous reciprocal visits by their leaders and in statements made during these visits. Thus, for example, Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei declared, during Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad's February 2007 visit to Tehran, that Iran and Syria constitute a strategic depth for one another.(1) Strategic cooperation between the two countries was also expressed in statements by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, at a meeting with Syrian Prime Minister Muhammad Naji Al-Utri during his March 2007 visit to the country, when he said, "Iran and Syria have common enemies, [a circumstance] which requires perfect coordination vis-à-vis enemy plans, attainable through a maximal deepening of relations between them."(2)

Assad, on his part, declared in Tehran in February 2007 that "enhancing relations between Tehran and Damascus is extremely important for solving the problems of the Islamic world, as well as for the progress of both Iran and Syria."(3) Furthermore, in February 11, 2007 meeting marking the 28th anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution, held at the Iranian Embassy in Damascus, Al-Utri stressed that "strategic Syria-Iran cooperation and coordination are the only way to deal with the pressures and with the evil attack on them [by the West]."(4)

MEMRI improves their video access ports:

MEMRI is announcing the redesigned website of the MEMRI TV Project,

The MEMRI TV Project maintains the world's largest archives of footage translated from Arab and Iranian television. The project has so far produced 1,527 clips, totaling more than 14,000 hours of footage.

MEMRI TV is viewed in 197 countries around the world, and to date over 20 million visitors have accessed its website.

The main focus of the MEMRI TV Project is the latest developments of the Middle East in the political, ideological, religious and social spheres.

Hamas Representative in Lebanon Osama Hamdan Justifies Suicide Bombings in Buses: Israeli Soldiers Ride Those Buses
"The Occupation Soldiers Also Have a Security Motive in Using Public Transport: They Shield Themselves Behind 'Civilians' Within the Zionist Entity"

Interviewer: "Islamic law has forbidden aggression during jihad – by forbidding the killing of women, children, the elderly, clerics who devote themselves to the worship of God, and other noncombatant civilians who do not serve in the enemy's army. Do you consider all the Jews in Palestine to be combatants who have plundered the land? We've witnessed martyrdom operations that targeted buses and restaurants."

Osama Hamdan: "First of all, let me clarify something very important. What is the ruling regarding those who live in Palestine, in the so-called Israel, and who are aggressors and plunderers of the land? The way we see it, they all came to Palestine from abroad, whether before the declaration of the Zionist entity or after it. If you were to conduct statistics within the Zionist entity, you would find that all these people have their origins in other countries – they came from Europe, Eastern Europe, from America, South America, or other places."

Please click the links and learn something other than It Is America's Fault Crap.

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