Tuesday, August 28, 2007

The Newshoggers Are Full of Shiite...As Usual

Here is yet another group of the vintage of KOSmonoffs that don't get the big Picture.
I'm becoming more and more certain that, despite the rhetoric about it being "a last resort", the Bush administration and the neocon WormTongues who formulate its foreign policy are gearing up for an attack on Iran.

Hello? Don't they follow current events or if they do, cannot they follow the trail? They do have some grand talking dulls but they are old, debunked and proven false yet, they cling to them as life itself. I can hardly wait for the Conservative Tsunami to over take these clowns as well.

Perhaps these clowns and the trolls like them should have the Iraq Resolution burned into their synapse pathways.

And perhaps these poor children should memorize these speeches:
GWB Speech 1

GWB speech 2

GWB speech 3

It just might do them some good with their now dead-in-the-water talking dulls.

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