Sunday, August 19, 2007

The Obsession of Karl Rove

And what is the obsession of the Leftinistra with Karl Rove? Is it because he is vastly superior than them in resolve and practice? Why is his ability to "mobilize the forces" all of a sudden a bad thing? Don't the Democrats like to "mobilize the forces"? And what is wrong with mobilizing the forces?

I don't get it.

Could it be that the last election cycle was the strategy to show the world how inept the leadership of the Democratic Party truly is? If so, the ploy worked. What have they accomplished? They voted FOR several items that they campaigned against! What's up with that? They have managed to alienate several Fruit Loop Brigades and one of them is so vexed with the Democratic Party leadership, their Chief Moonbat has announced a campaign to run against Nancy Pelosi. We AL know that this won't go very far but it proves my point.

The Democratic Party does NOT have the pulse of the majority of Americans and they know it and now their pet moonbats know it.

Let the weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth begin.

I am hoping that Karl Rove gets deeply involved with either Fred Thompson, Mike Huckabee or Duncan Hunter. The Leftinistra haven't a prayer if Rove is involved...especially Hillary.

The buzz?

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