Thursday, August 30, 2007

Pray For This Marine

Thank you John Murtha for yet another travesty of justice. Where are you, "mister" Murtha? Where are the apologies. Or, is apologizing for wrong-doing NOT in your playbook?

With several of the Haditha Marines being vindicated left and right, perhaps this one will work out for the better as well. You wouldn't know from reading the tripe in this article.
A Marine from Meriden is currently the focus of a hearing at Camp Pendleton in California.Sgt. Frank Wuterich is accused of murdering 24 Iraqi civilians, including children.

Wuterich faces unpremeditated murder charges in 18 of the deaths in Haditha, making his case the biggest to emerge against any member of the U.S. military to have served in Iraq.

Pray for justice to be well served. Remember to keep the pressure on Murtha.

Buzz here and here

Pajamas Media asks a great question here!


If one is either Murtha himself or Murtha-like (egad-gasp), the answer is yes. If you care about due process of law, the answer is, "Don't know yet." As the "trials" are going, it is entirely evident that the answer is, "NO!"

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