Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Pro-Bush group spends $15M defending war

Buzzings here

And the Defeatocrats and the Leftinistra shrink further into obscurity...

Freedom Watch Videos

Four, 30 second videos below.

Thanks for the email from Vets For Freedom, we have the Freedom Watch videos that we referred to in an earlier post:

And now the Democrats, along with wavering Republicans, will face an advertising blitz from Bush supporters determined to remain on offense. A new pressure group, Freedom's Watch, will unveil a month-long, $15 million television, radio and grass-roots campaign today designed to shore up support for Bush's policies before the commander of U.S. forces in Iraq, Army Gen. David H. Petraeus, lays out a White House assessment of the war's progress. The first installment of Petraeus's testimony is scheduled to be delivered before the House Armed Services and Foreign Affairs committees on the sixth anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, a fact both the administration and congressional Democrats say is simply a scheduling coincidence.

The email:

For the past few months, Vets for Freedom has been on the front lines of the Iraq war debate in America, with only a few allies. But this morning, in a very real sense, the cavalry appeared on the horizon in the form of a new organization called Freedom's Watch.

Freedom's Watch has launched a multi-state advertising campaign featuring powerful stories from veterans and families that every household in America should hear.

It's time that the rest of America heard the words of soldiers who have served (and been wounded) in Iraq and the stories of families who have lost loved ones there.

The new commercials can be watched here.

If these videos speak to you - and we believe they will - call your Member of Congress at 1-877-222-8001 to tell them that defeat is not an option.

Thank you for joining us at this ever critical time.


Pete Hegseth
Iraq War Veteran 2005-2006
Executive Director, Vets for Freedom

Click here for more information on Vets for Freedom.

VIDEOS: (They are short, 30 seconds, and touching)

Wounded Veteran:

Wife who has lost her husband:

Another Wounded Veteran speaks about anger at Congress and Victory

Gold Star Mother

Each as touching as the one before.

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