Tuesday, August 21, 2007

A Retarded Ruling By Retarded Judges

So, if I murder someone and get away from The Law, and "some time down the road" I get "caught", am I a criminal? Does that make sense? If you are a criminal, this ruling makes all kinds of sense.

I know these judges are thought to be "smart" and all but so was Forest Gump. These judges don't seem to be all "there".

llegal Presence in US Not a Crime, Court Says

So, when does a criminal act become an uncrime? Just curious here.

If you can get past the border guards and into the United States, you're no longer violating the law, according to a Kansas Court of Appeals decision.

The ruling comes after an illegal immigrant, Nicholas Martinez, was sentenced to a year in jail after pleading guilty to possession of cocaine and endangering a child. Court documents say Martinez was caught in an undercover sting by detectives in Barton County, Kansas (about 120 miles northwest of Wichita), using his young son to help sell cocaine.

Under Kansas law, the charges (and plea bargain) would have landed Martinez on probation. But the judge in the case said the defendant couldn't be put on probation because of his immigration status.

"Mr. Martinez is illegally in the country and is in violation of the probation rules right from the start if I place him on probation," court documents quoted Judge Hannelore Kitts as saying. "He has to comply with all the conditions of the probation and he can't do that because he's in violation of the law not to violate any federal or state laws."
Pathetic. Purely pathetic.

Buzzards here

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