Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Save America First!

To hell with everyone else!

From Norman!

This is just to re-confirm previous e-mails about he "Law Of The Sea Treaty" (LOST) and emphasizes the need to expel, that's right, EXPEL, the likes of Kennedy, Pelosi, Reid, Biden, Kerry, et al from the U.S. Senate as soon as possible! Think I'm blowing smoke...think again; you're about to lose your country. And that my friends is an undeniable

FACT. OK, do nothing and start paying the United Nations taxes they're about to impose on you...and that's over andabove the thirty-million that's already in the legislative mill (also mentioned in a previous e-mail). Where's all thoseMinutemen from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts? You don't have to wait until they get to some bridge in Lexington to fire another shot heard 'round the world. They're already here, just waiting, for Biden to cram the billthrough Congress so the Kennedy-Clinton-Pelosi Clan can prepare for their Brave New World power grab.

Dear Friend of America's Survival, Inc.:

We have published our new report on the Russian grab for oil riches at the North Pole, a region already claimed by the United States. This is not only a grab for oil and other natural resources; it is theft of what is rightfully ours as a nation.

The Russians are counting on the U.S. State Department to try to stampede the U.S. Senate into ratifying the U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea. Then, the U.N. will turn over the region to the Russians.

This is an absolute outrage, even worse than the Panama Canal giveaway.

You need to read our report, get motivated, and join our campaign against the treaty. Call your Senators and urge its rejection.

Please go to our home page , and read our report. Please distribute it to your family, friends and associates.
For America,
Cliff Kincaid,
America's Survival, Inc.

And when you get finished with all of that take a few hours and figure this one out!!

The August Review

The Trilateral Commission: Usurping Sovereignty

The Trilateral Commission is approaching its 35th anniversary. Trilateral policy has been to create a "New International Economic Order" but the means to the end involved hijacking the Executive Branch of the U.S. government. Starting with James Earl Carter in 1976, every successive administration has been dominated by members of the Commission -- for 35 years, they have had their way with trade policy, creation of global treaties, monetary policy and the usurping or American Accordingly, the internal authority of the state supersedes that of all other bodies.', CAPTION, 'Sovereignty',BELOW,RIGHT, WIDTH, 300, FGCOLOR, '#CCCCFF', BGCOLOR, '#333399', TEXTCOLOR, '#000000', CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', OFFSETX, 10, OFFSETY, 10);" onmouseout="return nd();">Sovereignty.

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