Monday, August 6, 2007

Stupid People With Guns?

And here ya have it, folks. Much like the rambling moron troll over at the worse blog in the known Blogosphere, the RNC run blog, mamalicious once said, "The miltary is nothing but a bunch of stupid people with guns".

With that, here is a small portion of the KOSmonoff round up:

Well, the YearlyKos convention is over, but the nutroots are still marching on. A few weeks ago, Kos himself assailed “nasty rhetoric” that was “rampant in the primary war diaries” of the Daily Kos website. Yet, the site went ahead and featured a troop-bashing rant by Saturday Night Live has-been A. Whitney Brown, who wrote:

“Do I still support the individual men and women who have given so much to serve their country? No. I think they’re a bunch of idiots. I also think they’re morally retarded.”

The guy is itching for more attention. I know I’m violating the no-troll-feeding rule here, but the post sheds needed light on the same anti-military animus that led to the squelching of Sergeant David D. Aguina at the YKos convention last week (see Rick Moran’s interview).

Brown has posted another diatribe at Kos repeating his smear on our men and women in uniform as “morally retarded.” A snippet:

Click the links and read on...

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