Sunday, August 19, 2007

Take Our Country Back

An interesting email amongst the Patriots For Conservative Values group:

A hook - - Not a Plea

Every day I receive mail complaining of the many depredations of the three branches of government. They violate evry part of the constitution that forbids them to impose on the God-given rights of the people. Then I am asked to send money to support legislation to restore these rights.

Let me admonish you letter writers that this is not the way to accomplish this purpose. Since the Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land, and if the "rule of law" truly exists, any further action to correct these violations should be against the violator. We can accomplish this purpose on ELECTION DAY. To petition a politician is to give him or her a way out. You will hear excuses even better than a sinner before the Devil.

The only way to recover the "rule of law" will be to clear our government of all those self-serving, corrupt politicians who promptly forget their oath of office as soon as they are on the payroll.

The real power lies with the voters. However, we must be circumspect with who we select to represent us.

Dean L. Carter, Walterboro, South Carolina (Letter in the Washington Times)

Ed Note: Mr. Carter makes great sense. We need to turn over the crop come election day. . . . . JMC

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