Thursday, August 16, 2007

Times Are A'changing And the Parties of Defeat Howl In the Night

Bits and Pieces from around the Globe:

Even Der Spiegel,

the German magazine known for its anti-American tirades, was compelled to admit in this week's issue:

"Ramadi is an irritating contradiction of almost everything the world thinks it knows about Iraq — it is proof that the U.S. military is more successful than the world wants to believe. Ramadi demonstrates that large parts of Iraq — not just Anbar Province, but also many other rural areas along the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers — are essentially pacified today."

This, from a publication that just last year featured a cover story picturing President Bush as Rambo.

Exhibit No. 003-0085 is the most chilling. Translated from Arabic by federal investigators in the case against the Holy Land Foundation, an alleged Hamas front, the secret document outlines a full-blown conspiracy by the major Muslim groups in America — all of which are considered "mainstream" by the media.

In fact, they are part of the "Ikhwan," or Muslim Brotherhood, the parent organization of Hamas, al-Qaida and other major Islamic terror groups. They have conspired to infiltrate American society with the purpose of undermining it and turning it into an Islamic state.

Check out this quote from Page 7 of the 1991 document:

"The Ikwhan must understand that all their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and sabotaging their miserable house by the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and Allah's religion is made victorious over all religions."

Sounds like the latest screed from Osama bin Laden. But it comes from the Muslim establishment in America.

The secret plan lists several Saudi-backed Muslim groups as "friends" of the conspiracy.

They include the Islamic Society of North America — the umbrella organization — and the North American Islamic Trust, which controls most of the mosques in America and is the forerunner to the Council on American-Islamic Relations, this country's most visible Muslim-rights group.

DER SPIEGEL / Agentur Focus / Tina Hager
The "Hands of Victory" in Baghdad's Green Zone: The US military is more successful in Iraq than the world wants to believe

The depths of despair due to the turn-around in the War In Iraq, so openly obvious among most democratic party leaders and a spattering of republican party leaders is astoundingly said. Having vested their careers in the hands of their base of defeat rhetoric of their lower-classed citizenry of the Fruit Loop Brigades, it can only bring their defeat and removals from their vaunted perches. This should make them happy seeing that they crave defeat as much as they do.

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